Growing up, my mom would always say, "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." when we were going to bed.
I assume that's what my grandmom would say to my mom when she was a child : )
When my mom was getting rid of my sister and my childhood twin mattresses 3 years ago, I told her I would take them for the girls. Mind you...they were 20 years old. But, I thought the older two wouldn't be in twin beds for long and it was better than putting out the money just for a few years of use. Well....I was wrong. That idea backfired. Not only do the girls want to stay in twin beds and sleep in the same room, they also begged for bunkbeds.
Now, I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of bunk beds. For one, they scare me. However, I do like the idea of them taking up less ground I agreed to it and we ordered them bunkbeds. They've had them for almost a year now and I'm still paranoid that Brynley, who sleeps on the top bunk, is going to fall out of bed one night. Also, I was scared the girls would sleep even less than they already did, because they would be messing around at night since they were above/below each other. Luckily, it was a fairly seamless transition and Liv has only fallen off the ladder a few times haha
But I digress.
The girls were still using the old twin mattresses as of 1 month ago and I was starting to wonder if the 5-5:30am wake ups each morning had to do with the fact that they couldn't possibly be getting a great night's sleep on such old mattresses. Tom and I upgraded our mattress a few months ago and we have been getting better sleep, so I thought it was time that I started researching twins for the girls.
That's when I found Leesa mattresses.
I loved that they were a company that gave back to the community. For every mattress they sell, they donate one and also plant a tree. They also make custom matresses and donate them to non-profits that serve homeless and at-risk men, women and children. I thought that was really really I had to read on about their mattress offerings. We decided to order 2 of the Leesa style twin foam mattresses as they received great reviews and didn't come with extra bells and whistles.
The shipping was really quick, they were delivered straight to my foyer and we set them up in no time. The only thing that bothered me a little was the plastic smell from the wrap protection they were in. It took a few days for it to go away, but it did go away and now I have 0 complaints . The girls absolutely love the foam...which are a far cry from the uncomfortable spring mattresses they had! I have to say, Tom and I spent a pretty penny on our King mattress and we both like their's just as much as our own! We have both fallen asleep within minutes in Liv's bed after reading bedtime stories on different occasions lol
Overall, they girls are happy sleepers, love their new mattresses and definitely sleep better in them. We are so happy we upgraded from the "vintage" ones they had ;)

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, my dears!
xoxo Lauren
This post was sponsored by Leesa. All opinions and comments are my own.
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